Our Curriculum: Qualifications, Skills and Values
Please see the Presentation below which explores our curriculum. The curriculum at SHS is an Achievement Journey and includes everything a student experiences at the school and makes our school unique to our community. At SHS we are focused on three areas of endeavour- Qualifications, Skills and Values.
We are determined that the curriculum at Selkirk High School meets the needs of all our learners. This means more than ensuring a positive destination beyond school: our curriculum aims to empower every student to achieve their potential and to put their values into action so that they may be happy and successful and enhance their community and their world.
Our curriculum is underpinned by the principles and contexts set out by Education Scotland and is informed by ongoing review, taking into account the views of students, families, teachers, partners as well as local and national data.
In its high valuation of skills and values- as well as academic subjects- the SHS Curriculum reflects the educational values of our community and offers opportunity for Achievement in 3 key areas: Qualifications, Skills and Values.
In the Broad General Education all S1/2/3 students experience a wide range of subjects across the curricular areas of English, Performing Arts and Modern Languages, Maths and Numeracy, Social Subjects, Science, Creativity and Design, and Health and Wellbeing. Students also experience the SHS Golden Skills course and, from 2020, S1 and S2 students have an enriched opportunity to put their Golden Skills and Values into action across a range of Volunteering, Enterprise and Employability contexts and progression in these areas is available in S3 and beyond. Throughout the curriculum, it is the responsibility of all SHS teachers to plan and promote Literacy, Numeracy, Digital Literacy, Employability and Health and Wellbeing as well as our Values in Action ethos.
Read our BGE Curriculum document here:
From S1 to S6, all students are encouraged to engage in extra curricular life at SHS, to take opportunities to develop their leadership and to engage in the House System and school events. In all of these areas, students will have further opportunity to develop their confidence and contribute to their school by putting their Golden Skills and their Values into action.
Options in the Senior Phase are developing year on year as we strive with our partners to offer as meaningful an experience as possible. A range of pathways available to our students is set out in the SHS Course Booklet which aims to provide some useful information for our families who are invited, at any time, to make an appointment to discuss this important stage with relevant staff at the school.