Qualifications and Achievement

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S1, S2 and S3 – Broad General Education

The Broad General Education (BGE) from S1-S3 covers the 8 key Curriculum areas of the Curriculum for Excellence:

  • Expressive Arts
  • Languages
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Mathematics
  • Sciences
  • Religious and Moral Education  Social Subjects
  • Technologies

Pupils experience this ‘totality of learning’ through the four contexts of learning of the Curriculum for Excellence:

  • Curriculum areas and subjects
  • Interdisciplinary learning
  • Ethos and life of the school
  • Opportunities for personal achievement

A key feature of the BGE is the Golden Skills course in S1 and S2 which focus on skills identified in partnership with our local employers: Communication, Teamwork, Problem Solving, Creativity and Positive Attitude. Pupils put these skills into action in a wide range of activities beyond the classroom and in partnership with a range of local and national organisations. All elements of our BGE combine to help ensure our pupils become:

  • Successful learners
  • Confident individuals 
  • Responsible citizens
  • Effective contributors.

In S3, pupils can begin to specialise by choosing subjects of particular interest. As well as English, Maths and their Core Subjects (PSE- Personal Social Education with Pastoral Teacher-, PE and Religious Education), pupils select 7 other subjects. This element of personalisation and choice at this stage of the learner journey continues to motivate pupils and allows them to begin to focus on particular subject areas.

Senior Phase Courses – S4

In S4, as well as continuing with Core Subjects (PSE and PE), the majority of pupils at Selkirk High School will take courses leading to National Qualifications in English and Maths plus 4 other subjects.

At this point, the opportunities provided in the learner journey also expand to subjects delivered by the Schools Academy at Scottish Borders College. This gives our pupils a broad curriculum offer to select from, leading to a total of 6 qualifications by the end of S4.

Senior Phase Courses – S5

In S5, as well as continuing with Core Subjects (PSE and PE), the majority of pupils at Selkirk HighSchoolwilltakecoursesleading toNational Qualifications in 5 subjects.

These subjects may be selected from the school or College offer and the level at which the subjects are taken should enable the pupil to progress from S4.

Senior Phase Courses – S6

Pupils in S6 are likely to follow a much broader and varied timetable designed around their planned positive destination. As well as Core PSE, S6 pupils study towards achieving 3 qualifications by the end of this year. Again, these qualifications should demonstrate progression.

In addition, all S6 pupils will work towards achieving the SQA Leadership Award at SCQF Level 6. Many pupils will also work towards achieving a Saltire Award through volunteering and some will take part in planned and accredited Work Placement opportunities.

At all stages of transition, pupils are given support in the form of 1:1 interviews with their Guidance Teacher and Careers Adviser as well as information in assemblies/events and on the Course Choice documents available on the school website.

Events for parents also take place to help with support from home.

Continuous Assessments 2024/25 and Study Skills

This session, there will be a mix of assessment types: some will be more formal, in the hall; assessments taken during class time; continuous evidence gathering throughout the year. Pupils have been issued with a booklet containing all of their assessment information and dates and a copy of this can be found below.

It is important that pupils begin a regular routine of study at home in order to prepare for the SQA exams in beginning in April. Below you will find an interactive study guide to support pupils in creating a clear study plan, along with the information shared with pupils during study support assemblies.

Celebrating Achievement